The Ultimate Guide To CBD Topicals
If there’s something in the health and wellness industry earning the spotlight as of late, it’s cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is one of the compounds of the marijuana or hemp plant after already going through a thorough extraction process. And in general, some of the CBD products sold in various dispensaries may no longer be psychoactive because of the absence or low percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or that component of the marijuana plant responsible for that ‘high’ feeling.
This fact could be one of the reasons CBD products are now all-over legal dispensaries in states and nations where CBD is legal. They can be generally safe and claims to carry various health and therapeutic benefits, making them an attractive product for those who have already sworn by CBD use. And one classification of those CBD products is topicals.
What Are CBD Topicals?
As its name implies, topicals can include salves, oils, creams, and lotions like this SUPA Naturals CBD body butter, which is applied to the body through the skin. These are some of the most popular and most commonly-used CBD-containing products cleared on shelves of dispensaries. The buzz surrounding CBD topicals is perhaps what may have led you to consider using the same, too.
Like any other product, however, the use of CBD topicals is not a decision you should immediately jump into without first beefing yourself up with information. And with that, this article aims to give you a comprehensive guide to CBD topicals, so you’ll be more informed about them.
The Question On The Legality Of CBD Topicals
Let’s first discuss the elephant in the room. One of the top concerns surrounding the purchase and use of CBD topicals and other CBD products, for that matter, is whether or not it is legal. The last thing you would want is to be in trouble with the law and authorities for unknowingly possessing and using an illegal drug. The consequences of such are severe, that’s no doubt.
To answer this question, however, you may have to consider where you’re reading this from. Note that the laws on recreational and medical marijuana, including CBD products, may differ from one state and nation to another. And as such, there could be no better resource for you to check than your local laws.
The general rule is that if recreational marijuana is already legal in your place, then the dispensaries selling CBD products can also be permitted. Furthermore, depending on where you’re from, there could be changes in federal and state laws to ultimately set the record straight and clarify questions surrounding CBD use.
The Basics On How CBD Works
Perhaps the next question you may find yourself itching to answer concerns how CBD works when applied to the body. Generally, CBD will penetrate inside the layers of the skin.
To explain further, take a look at an illustration of the skin’s parts. You can find that the epidermal layer of the skin has a network of cannabinoid receptors belonging to the endocannabinoid system. When the CBD topical product is applied to your body, the components and ingredients are then absorbed into the skin. These make their way toward affecting the body’s cannabinoid receptors.
The Benefits Of CBD Topicals
Now comes one of the essential and most awaited parts of the discussion. For those who have already started using CBD and swear by it, the reason behind such trust could go back to the purported benefits CBD claims to bring. It can also be because of those benefits that you may have been convinced about potentially using the same.
Do note, however, that the benefits CBD topicals claim to have might not be absolute for everyone. This is primarily because it would still depend on how your body will react to CBD. Although, generally, those known and convincing benefits include:
- It May Help Improve Skin Health And Function
When you balance out your body’s endocannabinoid system with CBD oil or other CBD products, you may be able to improve your skin’s health and function. In effect, you may also be able to successfully reduce the onset and likelihood of the formation of skin diseases.
For example, an imbalance in the skin’s endocannabinoid system could potentially facilitate the development of various skin conditions. These include psoriasis, dermatitis, and in its worst state, skin cancer.
- It May Alleviate The Discomfort Brought About By Chronic Skin Conditions
There are individuals who are born with chronic skin conditions. Unfortunately for some, the symptoms can be so severe that discomfort is a norm experienced.
To illustrate how chronic skin condition is, it’s generally the opposite of what healthy skin should look and feel like. The latter can be characterized as having even color, texture, and tone. It’s not too dry, nor is it also too moisturized or oily. Having healthy skin should be the goal, ideally. And that could be possible through the body’s ability to shed old skin cells to generate new and healthy ones.
Studies suggest that the use of topical CBD may help alleviate the discomfort brought by chronic skin conditions because of its anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. Some of those chronic skin conditions are eczema, sunburn, skin itching, skin asthma, and seborrhea. Likewise, topical CBD can also potentially modulate key receptors which are known to reduce skin irritation and soothe inflammation.
- It May Help Balance Oil Production To Clear Acne
Acne is perhaps one of the most common skin problems that everyone experiences. Acne often forms when the production of oil in the face isn’t balanced. The skin has its supply of natural oils, which are meant to carry dead skin cells to the skin’s surface. When those dead skin cells can’t reach the skin’s surface, they could clump, block your pores, and therefore also block bacteria in that inner layer of skin. This is what leads to acne.
In some cases, topical CBD products are a natural alternative used by many to free their skin from over-use and dependence on synthetic or chemical products. It’s believed to help reduce the onset of acne by balancing the skin’s oil production, calming irritation, and reducing the inflammation which can trigger acne formation.
Moreover, CBD may also have strong antibacterial properties, which can help further minimize the onset of bacterial growth.
- It May Be A Good Source Of Nutrients
CBD topicals aren’t just rich in antibacterial properties, as it’s also believed to be a good source of certain nutrients it is abundant with. Below are some of those nutrients:
- Vitamins A and D can encourage skin growth and promote skin repair
- Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can regenerate the skin’s outer protective layer and soften the skin
- Vitamin B complex can encourage the construction process of the skin
The Side Effects And Risks
A comprehensive guide on the use of CBD topicals will not be complete without discussing the negative part: the potential side effects and risks. No product is ever free or safe from possible side effects, no matter how natural it may be. More so, human beings aren’t all the same; each one can have their own allergies, sensitivities, and adverse reactions to components that, to others, are not something they’ll react to.
Topical CBDs are, however, generally safe. Most of the components in CBD topicals are well-tolerated by those who have already sworn to use them. However, not all CBD topicals are the same, as each may have its own accompanying ingredient. To be sure you won’t experience any of its adverse effects, it’s always best to consult with a doctor. More so, you may want to stick to the minimal application quantity on your first try.
Likewise, it would also be advisable to do a patch test before buying big-sized products of the CBD topicals you’re keen on using so it won’t be a waste in case you need to discontinue the product. Furthermore, here are some of the common side effects of CBD:
- Changes in weight and appetite
- Dry mouth
- Diarrhea
- Drowsiness
- Fatigue
The Tips To Apply When Choosing CBD Topical Products
If recreational marijuana is already legal where you’re from, it could be normal to expect the popping up of dispensaries left and right. It means there could also be many different CBD topical products for you to choose from.
If you don’t know how to choose or what you should be looking for, you may wind up buying the wrong CBD topical products. Some brands can be quite expensive, and in some cases, purchasing an inferior product can also mean wasted money.
To avoid this situation, here are some tips you can take note of when choosing CBD topical products:
- Keep in mind that the sales associates working in dispensaries are most likely not health professionals. If you have any doubts or questions, your best resource is always your doctor, who also advocates for CBD use.
- Find products manufactured in the USA (if that’s where you’re reading this from), as the USA also has some of the strictest laws and guidelines governing quality control with hemp and marijuana farms for CBD topicals and other products.
- Avoid buying topical products from brands that claim with 100% certainty that their products can heal certain diseases completely, as CBD doesn’t do such.
- Double-check the growing procedures and extraction process used. Hemp is a very challenging plant to grow and extract, as it’s also one that’s highly susceptible to weeds and pests. This fact is one of the reasons why many cultivators may resort to using insecticides and pesticides on their hemp or marijuana plants. This practice, however, may not do any good to the hemp quality, as it may absorb some unnecessary chemicals. It’s therefore good practice to check that even during that growing and cultivating process, no unnecessary chemicals were used.
- Check as well if the manufacturer is a reputable one. A top-quality CBD product manufacturer should abide by all state and federal regulations. Third-party testing is also essential, and those test results should be readily available to any customer who asks for them.
The Steps On How To Use CBD Topicals
Now that you know how to choose CBD topicals, you’re ready to bring home those products you’re keen on trying out. This is then the right time to discuss the different steps to use them.
Ideally, before you buy a CBD topical product, it would be best to bring up the conversation with your doctor or dermatologist, who also believes in the potential of CBD. It isn’t to say they’ll 100% convince you to buy one. But, it’s often easier to talk to medical professionals who have studied CBD products than those who haven’t. The latter may still be more closed-minded about this all-natural kind of topical product in favor of chemically-made ones which have been in the industry for longer.
Once you’ve had that discussion with your doctor, a patch test of the product you’ll use is highly recommended. You can perform the patch test inside your arm or behind the ear. From there, you can wait 24 to 48 hours to see results or any reaction. If no adverse reaction is noted, you can safely proceed using the CBD topical products you wish to use.
However, you don’t want to overwhelm your skin by switching out all of your skincare products to CBD skincare products all at once. Rather, a better approach is to make that change gradually, moving from one product change to another. This could give your skin time to adjust so that the likelihood of possible reactions can also be reduced.
Final Thoughts
While one of the most popular and hot topics globally, this isn’t to say that the use of CBD topicals and all other CBD products isn’t tainted with criticism. There’s still a lot more to learn to guarantee if it is best for you.
As with any other topical product, if it is your first time, the general rule is always to go low and slow, as you don’t want to overwhelm your body with this change. It may be natural, but there could still be those who can develop allergies from some of the CBD topicals’ components.
Lastly, whenever unsure, always ask for advice from your doctor or dermatologist. That way, you can have a guide as to what topicals to use for the intended purposes you wish to achieve.