How Do the Different Stages of a Shroom Trip Affect You?
Magic mushrooms (or shrooms) have been used for many years and are still widely used for recreational and spiritual purposes today. The shroom trip has different stages, each with its effects. The term “magic mushrooms” (or shrooms) refers to a wide variety of mushroom species that, when consumed, produce psychedelic, mind-altering effects. Psilocybin and psilocin are the psychoactive chemicals found in mushrooms.
If you are thinking about trying mushrooms, you should be aware of the various stages and how they will affect you. This article will discuss the effects of shrooms, the various stages of a shroom trip, how long it lasts, how to reduce harm, and how to manage a difficult shroom trip.
Effects Of Shrooms
Shrooms are fungi that contain natural psychoactive substances. They are also known as magic mushrooms or psychedelic mushrooms. Shrooms can alter perception, emotions, and thoughts when consumed. Some say they feel more connected to nature and their thoughts and feelings. Others may have visual or auditory hallucinations.
Here are the effects of shrooms:
- Improved focus
- A higher level of creativity
- When you have more energy, you will be less concerned in social situations.
- Emotionally open people can help them stop using coffee, drugs, or other substances.
- Menstruation is less painful.
- Increased spiritual awareness
Different Stages Of Trip
A shroom trip lasts approximately 6 hours in total. The following is a breakdown of the various stages of a shrooms journey:
The come-up: Up to 2 Hours
The “come-up” is the onset of a magical mushroom high. It happens between 30 minutes and two hours after taking shrooms.
Colours typically appear brighter during the come-up phase, and the world may appear in high definition. Mild hallucinations may occur, and objects may appear to be breathing or morphing, with fractal patterns covering them. The mind may become less focused, and things seem more amusing than usual.
On the negative side, some people get nauseated during the come-up phase.
The High Point: Hours 2-4
The peak phase occurs two to four hours into the trip when the user feels the psychedelic effects most intensely. People who take large doses may lose their sense of self, and some may have profound spiritual experiences.
Hallucinations are most prevalent during this stage. People may have a lot of fast-moving geometrical patterns and a lot of intensely bright colours in their visual field. In high doses, people may experience “ego death,” or the loss of one’s sense of self. During this phase, spiritual encounters are also every day.
The Comedown: Hours 4-6
The comedown phase occurs between the fourth and sixth hours of the trip and is when the effects of the shrooms begin to fade, becoming more subtle until they ultimately wear off.
At this stage, people may feel mentally tired after hours of intense mental stimulation. Visual hallucinations begin to fade, and some people may experience emotional peace.
The afterglow refers to the ongoing positive good feelings caused by the trip. It can be felt for several hours to days after the effects of the shrooms have worn off completely.
How Long Do Mushrooms Take Effect?
People usually begin to feel the effects of shrooms after 30-60 minutes. However, start-up time is affected by a variety of factors. These are some examples:
- Body composition, which includes height and weight
- The metabolic rate
- Age
- Usage of other substances
- Shroom dosage taken
- Mental state
Different methods of ingestion may cause shrooms to act faster. For example, consuming shrooms in liquid forms, such as mushroom tea, allows the mushrooms to take effect more quickly because the dry material of the mushrooms does not need to be broken down in the gut.
Managing a Bad Shroom Trip
There is no way to get shrooms out of your system once they are there. They can occasionally cause difficult, frightening, and unpleasant experiences. Because it is impossible to stop the journey entirely, it is best to learn how to navigate a “bad trip” and even turn it into a positive experience.
Here are some of our suggestions for dealing with challenging mushroom encounters:
Understand That the Experience Will Not Last Forever
It’s critical to remember that the effects are only temporary. When the shrooms wear off, your thoughts will return to normal, and your hallucinations will fade.
People on psychedelics may feel as if they have gone insane at times. However, shrooms have a low risk of psychosis or long-term adverse psychological effects.
Pay Attention to Your Body’s Requirements
Tiredness, hunger, and dehydration can negatively impact mood and contribute to a difficult shrooming experience. Taking care of one’s physical needs can often make one feel better.
Eating while tripping on mushrooms may be challenging, so consume nutrient-rich foods that are easy to eat, such as smoothies and soup.
Sleeping may be difficult while under the influence of mushrooms, but resting the body and lying down with eyes closed can help some people feel more relaxed.
Avoid Other Substances
Taking other drugs to feel happier or more relaxed may make mushroom users feel worse.
Some drugs may amplify the effects of mushrooms, increasing the likelihood of paranoia and confusion. Other substances may also interact dangerously with shrooms and cause physical harm.
Final Thoughts
After reading this article, you should better understand the various stages of mushroom use. You should be aware that there are four major stages: ingesting, peaking, descending, and afterglow. Each stage has its effects, ranging from mild to intense.
It’s important to remember that how you feel during each phase is influenced by various factors, including your mindset, environment, and the number of shrooms you consume. With this in mind, approach your experience with caution and mindfulness to ensure a positive and safe journey.